Keren Zorn
Artist and Printmaker

The basics:
Age: 28 (I hope I remember to update this every year...)
Residence: Geelong, Australia
Occupation: Artist/Printmaker (but my full time Sales Administration Manager job pays the bills for now).

In more detail:
I fell into printmaking when I started tertiary art studies in 2010 and couldn't fit in all the subjects that I wanted. I initially wanted to take a photography class, although it didn't fit into my timetable. But Printmaking did!
Little did I know that I would find my greatest love in art! (and also, I am horrible at photography...)
I have been lucky enough to have worked at a Fine Art Picture Framers for 5 or so years, where I was able to learn about art conservation, and also meet and experience a world of artists and printmakers.
Since then I have been honing my practice, finally purchasing a large scale Mitomel Printing Press, and setting up my own studio in 2016.